Great Expressions

About the Project

What started as your typical tenant improvement project turned into a complete overhaul of a brand. Under the direction of leadership, Great Expressions was looking to expand its brand and widen its horizons with a new fresh look, starting with its call center.

With its concrete floors and white walls, the four-year-old space needed a new look with more warmth and vibrancy. They were looking for aspects that would create a “homey” vibe for their guests as they walked in the door. This allowed for the perfect opportunity to create a focal point at the reception desk. The goal for the reception space and the entire office was to replicate the warmth and comfort of one’s living room. With the addition of wood panels, organic elements and a calming color scheme, our construction and design team was able to achieve the desired look and accentuate the space, bringing the office back to life. The reception area fell in an area with no exterior windows, so in order to add a breath of life we incorporated plants into the backdrop of the reception desk. The faux moss gave Great Expressions the natural and homey vibe they were searching for while being the perfect choice due to lack of daylight and ease of maintenance.

The private offices were designed away from most of the exterior windows so that light would flow into the open office space. A wood wrapped central grouping of offices and conference rooms allowed us to bring the warmth into the back-office area while glass walls encouraged the idea of collaboration and transparency.

To completely immerse themselves in this office rebrand, Great Expressions opted to use a furniture vendor who would be able to bring in funky, eclectic patterns to bring the collaborative areas together with a twist. The aesthetic of the space has left everyone excited to see what’s in store as Great Expressions gears up to bring these features into their dental practices across the area.


Izakaya Restuarant
